Set And Accomplish Your Number One Career Goal

Crabwalk’s Career Accountability Course: Learn how to leverage your network to move your career forward in just
five weeks.


Feeling stagnant in your career planning?


Ever find yourself cleaning your closet to avoid sifting through LinkedIn for a hint at what you should be doing for a living?

Or feeling frustrated that you can’t find the time or focus to move the ball forward?

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could watch Bridgerton just knowing that your career was on track?

We can help.

Our Accountability Course is an opportunity to set and accomplish one career goal with a lot of support. At Crabwalk, we help you do this in just 5 weeks through weekly email lessons and access to our career coaches and educational resources.

Have you found yourself saying something like this recently?


“I want to quit, but can’t figure out what to do next.”

“I’m furloughed and am worried this will sidetrack my career.”

“Something’s off at work. I can’t figure it out so I just keep working. Bleh.”

“I feel really under appreciated at my job but can’t focus on finding a new one.”

“I say I want to prioritize job hunting but I just keep getting in the weeds at work. I’m burning out.”

“Oh man - I feel super behind on my job search. I keep saying I’ll work on it but I have a mental block and just keep pushing it off to do other things.”

“My review is coming up and I have no clue how to have a good conversation with my boss. I’m underpaid but I don’t think she’ll be receptive to a conversation around this.”

Only you know when the time is right to focus on your career

But what we can tell you is this: when you make the decision to sign up for the Accountability Course, you’ll start to feel a shift.

You’ll realize…

  • You won’t get stuck - We’ll keep you moving, whether you have 30 minutes or 3 hours each week.

  • You’re going to make real progress in your career - Our weekly structure will make sure of it.

  • You’ll learn to be more efficient with the time you have - We know how to get a lot done in little time.

  • You can do this with your existing life - We’ll help you carve out the time in a way that works for you.

Join our 5-week Career Accountability Course for only $49 and you’ll leave feeling clear-headed, accomplished, and energized.

I have loved the program as it was smart, refined, fun and it delivered beyond my expectations, in that it produced noticeably stronger than expected improvements in both my professional and personal accountability.
— Francesca E., Author + Illustrator, Brisbane

This Course is For You If You…

  • Are overwhelmed by the growing demands of work/life

  • Are midway through your career

  • Have had a lot of success in your career, but aren’t clear on what’s next

  • Can’t stay focused and motivated

  • Would love to get rid of the anxiety that comes with career planning

We’ll set you moving and be there when you get stuck.


From a beloved Crabwalk grad…

“Crabwalk is fantastic. It gave me peace of mind around approaching goals that seemed too daunting before. I’m less fixated on my shortcomings and more confident, ready and able to tackle the things that stand in my way. Laura and Carly are the best.”

Julie P, Video Producer, Journalist and Comedian, NYC

About the Program

How does it work?

This is a 5-week self-guided email course with lots of support from expert career coaches, Laura and Carly.

Expect to spend an average of 2 hours per week on the program while enrolled.

What you’ll get:

  • To identify and accomplish a career goal

  • Proven tools and expert guidance in your inbox every week so you can take ownership of your career

  • Access to private coaching at a discounted rate

  • 5 weekly emails with worksheets, tips, tricks, and instructions on how to achieve your career goal

The weekly breakdown:

  • Week 1 - How to Set Goals in Ambiguous Times

  • Week 2 - How to Nurture Your Network Authentically

  • Week 3 - How to Effectively Ask For What You Need

  • Week 4 - How to Set Yourself up for Success

  • Week 5 - How to Expand Your Network Easily

OPTIONAL: Private coaching (spaces limited)

  • Get a 1:1 coaching session from Laura or Carly.

  • These focused sessions are helpful to make sure you’re super clear on your goal, have a simple plan to execute on it, and feel confident in taking your next steps. 

  • 1x 60-minute coaching session for $275 (usually $400)

  • Interested? Let us know here.
    Note: We look to keep our pricing as accessible as possible. If you feel you’re a good fit for coaching, but the cost is a barrier, email us. We’ll talk about options for spreading out payments or accessing a limited number of scholarships.

Your framework has given me confidence and some great ideas on how to re-engage with people I care about.
— Nick S., Associate Director, London


Who typically participates?
We welcome all but typically we’ve had professionals with around 10-15 years’ experience. They’re successful, but hitting a roadblock in their career and can feel overwhelmed and need some accountability and structure to get to the other side.

What problems do you help them solve?

Here are some of the goals our participants set (and achieved!)

  • Get clarity on strengths and weaknesses and where to apply those next

  • Advocate confidently for a raise and promotion

  • Update my resume and set up a job search

  • Lay the groundwork on my side business (while working at my job)

  • Stop feeling so overwhelmed between work and career

How much time will this take each week?
Most people spend 1-2 hours a week towards their goal - some more, some less. Even if you think you don’t have the time, we’ll help you make progress with all the constraints of normal life.

What does a typical week look like?
The course kicks off with an email including our goal-setting exercise so you know what you’re working towards. You’ll then receive an email full of tips, tricks, and instructions each Monday for 5-weeks. Throughout the week, expect to spend 1-2 hours on your goal (some will do more).

Can I join at any point?
Sign-up at any point! This course has rolling enrollment. As soon as you sign-up, you’ll receive our goal-setting exercise to get you started. It’s a great way to get the ball rolling and know you’re already making progress.

How much does the program cost?
It’s a one-time payment of $49.


Learn how to leverage your network to move your career forward in just 5-weeks

Who’s Crabwalk?

We are! Laura and Carly.
We’re proven business leaders who have learned to thrive in the constantly changing worlds of tech startups, banking, public service, and education. Through our combined experience, we’ve developed curriculums for navigating professional success in today’s economy.

Laura Castaing.

Laura Castaing

Laura Castaing is an executive coach based in NYC with 16 years of operations experience. She works with successful professionals and entrepreneurs to keep their career, business, and personal life on track through transition periods. Her approach to coaching combines a high level of empathy, a deep understanding of business strategy and career development, and an action-oriented mindset. Prior to coaching, she held senior operations roles in two venture backed tech startups including Managed by Q (acquired by WeWork) where she oversaw a team of 500+. Laura holds an MBA from Kellogg and a mechanical engineering degree from Duke.

She coaches founders and successful professionals facing work transitions. Her approach combines a high level of empathy, a deep understanding of business strategy and career development, and an action-oriented mindset.

You can learn more about her on her website and on LinkedIn.


Carly Chase is an entrepreneur who developed her skills in major institutions like Goldman Sachs and The City of New York before jumping into NYC startups (PivotDesk and SquareFoot). She’s now a Senior Lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management and serves as an Entrepreneur in Residence at the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship. She runs programs including MIT’s delta v accelerator and coaches students across campus to be effective entrepreneurs and humans.

You can read more about her on LinkedIn.

Carly Chase

Carly Chase

Ready to get unstuck?